Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I sometimes wanna die

I've been thinking about suicide. I kinda stopped taking my meds. I dont know what to do. Things are falling apart. I want to die.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Mariiiaaa maaddeee  meeeeee eeeeaaatttt mccccddonnnnaaallllddddssss.... 1000 calories. thats 500 for the day?

third time today?

This is the third time I'm blogging today and it's only 830 gosh. Um I went to the gym :) going to take that test now. :)


Am I dreaming? Am I really skinny? Does the scale read 90 pounds when I see 130? Do people see bones when I see fat? A yes to these questions is beyond reality. I mean no one tells me I'm skinny. THe pictures I see of myself are hideous. I think I'm disgusting, I'm trying to kill time before I go to the gym in a half hour. I haven't slept yet. I'm gonna blow a huge line before I leave. Maybe I'll go pick up some cigarettes or something too. I have a lot to do today. I need some coke for me. I hope it sells fast.
I miss Drew? Does he really like me? Is it really worth it? Why am I in a relationship with someone when I don't even know who I am? How does he know who I am? How does anyone know who I am if I don't. I will not be satisfied with myself until I am under one hundred pounds. I won't be satisfied with myself until I am perfect. I will never be perfect, therefore, I WILL NEVER BE SATISFIED WITH MYSELF.


I've been eating like shit for the past couple of days. Haven't been going to class. What's wrong with me? I missed a test in Homicide and Serial Killers. I love that class. I'm dating Drew now. He got me a rose, acid, pot, and a bar for valentines day. So great. I have to make up this test at 9 am tomorrow morning. I'm starting to sell coke. I think I'm going to make a lot of money out of it and free coke. I need that. I need to start doing things right, so here is my plan for tomorrow:

  1. Take that test.
  2. Maybe gym. 
  3. Class. 
  4. Print out English paper. 
  5. Gym?
  6. Class. 
  7. GYM. 
  8. Buy/sell cocaine. 

Monday, February 14, 2011

the good the bad and the ugly

good: Didn't eat for like a week, gym everyday.
bad: Binged on ice cream, sushi, more ice cream, and m&m's.
ugly: Puked my guts out.

Friday, February 11, 2011


no food yesterday.
some skittles today (just the green ones)
cookie dough :(

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I've been off the wall with coke. Last night I did so much and we railed an e and mixed it with coke. It was amazing.
I felt like I was gonna pass out today I ate a 240 calorie protein bar, I cannot pass out you know.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


blueberries (30 calories)
subway sandwich (turkey cheese and mayo)(310 calories)
TOTAL: a wopping 340 CALORIESS!
fuck my life fat assss

Monday, February 7, 2011

my day

200 calorie lean cuisine.
jar of pickles.
diet coke.


This girl told me that she saw me today and was like "woah she's tiny". She asked me if I lost weight!!


I broke up with my boyfriend for Drew. I really like him, like always I think things are gonna go far with him. Like always, I think I'm head over heels. He's really cool and does as many drugs as I do.
I've been doing ok with eating, small binge this weekend but nothing too too bad. I'm back on track. Drew tells me I need to eat more, I tell him I'm fine.
Am I really fine?
Am I sick?
Am I going to be ok?


Thursday, February 3, 2011


I binged today for the first time in weeks. :(

  • grilled chicken, a bit of pita.
  • chic fillet (12 piece nugget.)
  • Half a taco bell burrito. 
  • I purged it all and I'm defiantly going to the damn gym today. 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Burned 500 calories.

pat on the back

I have not eaten in a while, I am quite proud of myself. I did not go to the gym today, should I go now? I think I will. I was supposed to have a threesome with Drew and Cherry tonight, but he got arrested. WTF the night I'm gonna have a threesome the fucking guy got arrested. WHAT THE FUCK!
I have a boyfriend, so probably for the better.